Project Driver Kathy Mortimer
The Village Green had another busy season over the summer and was in need of some TLC to help rejuvenate it and prepare it for next season. A strong force of 22 volunteers turned up on Sunday 28 April to shovel dirt, fertilise, and lay down new grass seed. Weather conditions were perfect with a heavy shower of rain coming over just as the working bee finished. Thanks to BRUCE GORDON bringing along his trusty digger, the dirt was moved around the Green in no time. Once again we were spoiled with a yummy morning tea kindly donated by the volunteers and other community members, boy oh boy were the fluffy scones good! A lot of the Green is now cordoned off, please stay out of these areas to allow the grass to grow and we’ll soon have a great looking Village Green again.

A massive thanks to the following people and businesses: our project driver KATHY MORTIMER, provider of dirt – ANDREW YOUNGER, provider of the fertiliser and the fertiliser spreader – ALAN from the WAITANGI GOLF COURSE, GREG JONES for organising the spreader. All our wonderful helpers on the day – KATHY MORTIMER, CHESTER RENDELL, JILL and ROGER TOPLIS, LOUISE PEARSON, KARINA and MIKE EDMONDS, JEANETTE WOOD, JAN BAKER, SAM MORTON, RICHARD, PAIGE and PHOENIX FERGUSON, JULIE and JANA CUNNINGHAM, JUDY CARTWRIGHT, SARAH TOWNSEND, BASIL UMUROA, STEVE MARTIN, FRITS SCHOUTEN, BRUCE GORDON, and ROY KOMENE. And to our morning tea providers on top of what our volunteers shared – LOUISE RENDELL, BRUCE and ELIZABETH KILLEN and SCOTT from the PAIHIA FOUR SQUARE and anyone else that provided food but we missed getting your name.