Focus Paihia Community Charitable Trust is seeking a new Interim Trustee as the School/Youth Representative on the Focus Paihia Board.
Paihia School Principal, JANE LINDSAY, is taking leave of her post on the FP Board, due to work commitments. Paihia School is her primary focus. Jane will step down for a year or two from the FP Board but intends to return to this role in due course.
The School/Youth Representative will represent the interests of youth in this area. Preference would be given to a candidate who;
Has links to Paihia School
Resides locally
Does not have any conflict of interest, able to make decisions based in the best interest of the youth and community
Is able to work with and contribute to the active Board of Trustees
Is available for monthly meetings
Is able to demonstrate a clear ability to communicate on behalf of and with youth
Is able to communicate via email
The Representative will be required to liase with the Paihia School BOT on a regular basis to keep the BOT informed and provide a communication link. [box]Expressions of interest or NOMINATIONS should be forwarded to Nominations close 15 July 2015.[/box]